Qualcomm Life & Chronic Illness Management

Qualcomm Life is building the underlying digital health infrastructure that enables healthcare companies to focus on delivering care instead of developing technology.

Rick Valencia, SVP and General Manager of Qualcomm Life, joined Pat Salber () for a conversation about technology enabled chronic illness management.

Qualcomm Life embodies the digital health effort at Qualcomm and is a major player in the digital management of chronic illness. They have been working in the area for close to a decade. Rick says the organization has helped to build a trade organization and standards groups and, he adds, you can also get a Masters degree in Wireless Health from Case Western University on the QualComm campus.

QCL was launched 3 years ago with the introduction of their 2Net technology that according to Rick, “enables entities that are trying to get data from the home to get it more seamlessly and in an open sort of way (device or manufacturer agnostic) including from heavy duty regulated medical devices. 2Net itself is a regulated platform.”

Watch the video now to learn more about Qualcomm Life & Chronic Illness Management!

Read the full article on The Doctor Weighs In here: http://thedoctorweighsin.com/qualcomm-life-building-digital-health-infrastructure/

This video is under BY-ND creative commons.

, 2Net, care management, chronic illness management, Healthy Circles, mHealth, mHealth Summit, mHealth Summit 2014, mHealth14, Pat Salber, Qualcomm Life, Rick Valencia, Rick Valencia SVP & General Manager, Vitaphone, Vitaphone ehealth solutions

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