Dr. Pat Salber chats with Robin on her bird’s eye view of the current health and technology industry and where we are headed in the future.
If you’ve ever been to CES, you know just how incredibly large the venues are. Navigating through each location can be difficult and exhausting. But despite travelling from Mandalay Bay to the North Hall of the Las Vegas Conference Center (LVCC), Robin Raskin, as busy as she was, found the time and energy to grace the Health Innovation Media Team with her presence in the LVCC Press Room located in the South Hall (about a 10-15 minute walk from the North Hall).
We met with and got to know more about Robin, the Founder and CEO of Living in Digital Times, in conference room A which we reserved for an hour and a half segment on Tuesday, January 7th.
Robin is simply an amazing woman with a diverse range of interests including health, technology, education, fashion, and the fostering of small startup companies. In this video, watch Dr. Pat Salber chat with Robin on her bird’s eye view of the current health and technology industry and where we are headed in the future.
Read the full article on The Doctor Weighs In site here: http://thedoctorweighsin.com/ces-2014-robin-raskin-ceo-living-digital-times/
This video is under BY-ND creative commons.