DocGraph is always looking for some area of healthcare that is messed up or unclear that they can work on to help create transparency where it didn’t exist before.
Well-known data journalist, Fred Trotter of DocGraph, joined Pat Salber () at #HIMSS15 in Chicago to talk about transparency and meaningful use. Fred revealed that his organization, DocGraph, is always looking for some area of healthcare that is messed up or unclear that they can work on to help create transparency where it didn’t exist before. Of course, this means that Fred and the DocGraph team will have full employment for at least the rest of this century and probably beyond!
By working with public use files, the DocGraph team has been able to map EHR vendors and products to specific doctors. This allows them to produce a report card on how well a particular EHR vendor does on a particular meaningful use attestation issue. They are just now releasing the raw data and haven’t yet done their own analysis yet, but that will be forthcoming soon.
DocGraph uses data to lessen the information asymmetry that now exists in our opaque healthcare “system.” Help DocGraph continue this important work by contributing to their crowdfund on Medstartr.
Watch the video to hear more from Fred about DocGraph.
Also, check out our blog post on The Doctor Weighs In for more information.
This video is under BY-ND creative commons.