CliniCloud: Bringing Healthcare Home

April 9, 2015
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Monitor your or your family’s health in the comfort of your own home with CliniCloud’s digital stethoscope and non-contact thermometer.

On today’s Google Hangouts On-Air, we have a familiar face on with us, Dr. Andrew Lin, Co-Founder of CliniCloud (formerly known as StethoCloud). We are honored to have Dr. Lin on with us again. If you haven’t seen our previous interview, you can check it out here: StethoCloud: A New Tool for Dr. Mommy?.

As you might have remembered (if you don’t, check out our previous interview with them), CliniCloud was founded by Dr. Andrew Lin and Dr. Hon Weng Chong, two young Australian doctors, who built upon the idea when they won $75K at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. And after almost a year, we were granted a wondrous opportunity to catch up with our Australian friend’s to see just what exactly they were up to with CliniCloud.

CliniCloud has developed a connected health kit that also includes a thermometer, and an app that interfaces with telemedicine platforms, such as their launch partner, Doctor On Demand. This means you can now monitor your or your family’s health in the comfort of your own home with CliniCloud’s digital stethoscope and non-contact thermometer. You can even get a medical consultation at home. How cool is that?

This video is under BY-ND creative commons.


  1. Pingback: Health Tech Hatch StethoCloud: A New Tool for Dr. Mommy?